Happy Wednesday all! We're so excited to be heading to Vardaman tomorrow - going home for the Sweet Potato Festival, of course. This is one of my favorite times of the year to go home because I get the chance to see folks that I don't usually get to. The best part - and you'll know what I mean if you've ever been - is the BBQ chicken with its super secret sauce my dad helps prepare at the fire station. It's AMAZING. I just really hope I'm able to eat it this year...I've realized over the last couple of months that baby isn't a fan of chicken. Baby may have to get over it this time... :)
We are also planning to purchase our crib this weekend (becuase of the 12-hour sale at USA Baby on Saturday!). I'm super excited about this - here's the pic of the crib:
And while the dresser/shelving unit that goes with the crib is great, ours is going to be even better. My dad is making it, very similar to this one below but darker stain (like the crib):
Yay! I'm so happy with our choices - hope you like them!
Tomorrow (Oct 30) is Matt's birthday - he's 29! He realized tonight that this is his last birthday without kids. He's being a very good husband and daddy-to-be by driving me 5 hours to go home on his birthday.
Hope you all have a great weekend! And I'll see some of you soon!
Maybe not ALWAYS a bridesmaid...
10 years ago