Hi all! We're stealing Mike & Mariah's idea of creating a blog so everyone can stay updated on what's going on lately with Baby Greer. Yesterday was the start of week 16. The last few weeks at work have been really tough on me, so I haven't felt as great as I should be at this point in the pregnancy. It's about to start slowing down, so hopefully my energy will go back up a little bit.
We went to the doctor last Thursday and finally heard the heartbeat! It was around 150 (down from 176 at the first ultrasound). Of course everyone still says that means a girl, but we'll see! We'll find out (hopefully) on November 13...hence the poll on our blog. We have a girl name picked out - Maya Ruth - but we're still stuck on the boy. I would like to have a name by the time we find out what we're having. Let us know what you think! For those of you who don't know, Collins is a family name for Matt and Hamilton is my maiden name. Ruth is my late great-grandmother's name. As for Maya, Max, and Miles - apparently we really like names that start with M! Girl will be called Maya, and boy will be called Max or Miles, regardless of the other name picked.
Everyone says I should have a feeling whether it's a boy or girl. I'm leaning toward girl, but I think that's due to the 4 nieces we already have! It's hard for me to think of a baby as anything but a girl! :) I did have a dream last night (Matt will kill me for this) that we had a little boy and Matt left him outside in 20-degree temperature. He was fine, but it was a really weird dream! That was the first time I've dreamed of one or the other...so maybe that means something...
So that's where we are right now! I'll keep you posted as often as possible, and post ultrasound pictures when I can.
Have a great weekend everyone! :)