Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
8 Months!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
7 Months Old!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Couple of Videos
Happy Saturday all! Here are a couple of videos. The first one is Max's version of crawling - more like Army crawling. He will get up on his hands and knees every once in a while, but then he can't figure out what to do next! :)
This one is Oma making him laugh this morning. Turn up your speakers! :)
We'll be in Vardaman next weekend for the Sweet Potato Festival! Can't wait to see everybody!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
6 Months Old!!
What's even crazier is that Max was 6 months old yesterday! I cannot believe how fast time is flying! It really seems like only a few weeks ago that we were in the hospital. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. Max had surgery a couple of weeks ago to remove some scar tissue and perform the circumcision they couldn't do when he was born. The surgery was a little more involved than we originally thought, but he came through it amazingly well! We were worried about him going so long without eating - he couldn't have anything past midnight. Luckily we were scheduled to be there at 7am. We hoped it wouldn't be long before they took us back for the surgery, but it was 2 hours!! He was such a little trooper...even took a little nap before they came to get him. All the nurses said he was the most adorable little thing they had ever seen. The surgery took about an hour, and he was only in recovery for about 30 minutes...after sucking down 3 bottles of pedialyte, they said he was ready to go!
Recovery at home was a little scary at first, but he has done so well...only a little screaming at us during diaper changes...but who could blame him! The worst part about it all is he can't get in his walker or bouncer for 3 weeks. Only a week and a half left now, but it's hard to occupy him for 2 hours of waketime without one of those!
I'll try to get another video up soon of him "crawling". He still scoots, but can go a lot faster and further now. When we talk to Oma and Jiggs on Skype, we put him about 6 feet away from the computer and let him scoot toward them. He shimmies his way over there pretty quickly!
This week we went to a 4-hour feeding schedule, so Max's meals line up a lot more with ours. He eats now at 7am, 11am, 3pm, and 6:30pm. He has a bottle, oatmeal, and a fruit for breakfast, bottle, fruit and veg for lunch, just a bottle for the 3pm snack, and a bottle, rice cereal, and veg for dinner. We still feed him around 9:30pm, but he very rarely wakes up for it. He has a pretty big variety of foods now...sweet potatoes, avacados, green beans, peas, peaches, apples, pears, bananas...he likes them all! So far we haven't put anything in front of him that he won't eat!
We're so excited to see everybody when we come home for the Sweet Potato Festival the first weekend in will have been 3 months since most of the Vardaman family has seen guys will not believe how big he is! Hope you all have a great rest of the week! Enjoy the pics!
Enjoying the fall weather - he can sit up by himself, but we were sort of on a hill so Oma had to help steady him a little.
Hanging out after eating breakfast this all the fall clothes! This one is a 9 month, by the way!!
It looks like he's sleeping, but it's really just the camera flashing and making him close his eyes. I put this picture so you can see how long he is...we're going to have to start changing him somewhere other than the ottomman!
Playing with Tip Top after dinner.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Hi again everybody! Getting lots of fun video this weekend. Max has finally figured out how to bounce in his boucer. We've decided he may be able to try out for Riverdance soon...
We've also figured out this is a great way to tire him out before a nap! He's slept better in the last couple of days than ever! :)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Crawling? Close!
It's not quite crawling, but close!
Aunt Em got here this afternoon and we decided to try it again. Looks like I'll be buying a baby gate soon!
Hope you're all having a great week. We hoped we would make it home this weekend, but with the flu in Vardaman, we decided to stay around home. We miss everybody so much, and will try to make it home soon!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hi everybody! I wanted to share some videos so you can see what the little man has been up to. Enjoy! :)
In his "walker" - he hasn't quite figured out yet that he isn't going anywhere. Bear with me on this video, it takes him a little while to get going. But when he does, he's definitely going....
...and going....and going!
Rolling around with his new monkey. :)
Another of him "monkeying" around. :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
First Illness, First Vardaman Taters, First Ole Miss Game...
Monday, August 31, 2009
New Pics on Shutterfly Site
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Big Man!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Videos for Oma
Hi all! Just some videos tonight. I heard Oma didn't have a great day so thought Little Man might be able to cheer her up a little bit. Enjoy!
The first 2 are more of Max playing with his Daddy - mostly mimicking him. He wasn't very happy about the 3rd one, but I wanted you guys to see how well he's lifting himself up when he's on his belly.
Dr appointment on Friday...I'll try to post again after that.
Love you all! :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Quick Hi!
Max is doing great! We had a wonderful time in Vardaman last weekend - soooooo good to see everybody! Unfortunately I didn't do a good job of taking pictures, so there aren't many to post. :(
Good news is I'm downloading my camcorder software onto my new computer as we speak, so it should be easier to upload videos in the future. Hopefully one of them will be up soon.
Hope you're all having a fantastic week! More soon...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Settling into a routine
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Back to Work!
The first day there was tons of crying, second day - not as much, third day - almost no crying...but enough about me. Max did great! :) No, I actually just had a little breakdown Sunday night before we went to bed, and didn't cry at all the next day. I just keep telling myself it's 1 day at a time. If I think about it being every day, every week, I can't handle it. Max did great at Ms. Wanda's. The first day took a little adjusting for him, but since then he has been napping and eating very well. I am exhausted after a full week of working, but it's not so bad. I still wish I could be home with him, but since that isn't an option we'll just make the most of it!
Max is getting so big and active! The video is our first attempts in "helping" him roll over. We think it won't be long before he does it on his own! In the video, you'll see Tip Top - I believe he made an appearance in my last post. Tip Top is quickly becoming a very important member of the family. If you look closely toward the end of the video (around the 52 sec mark) Tip Top falls off the ottommon and Max's face is pretty funny.
Max's Oma, Jiggs, and Aunt Em are here this weekend. He has had a great time showing them all of his new tricks. I'll try to post another video soon of him mimicking the sounds we make. So cute! :) Today we're going to have our first mall outing with Max...we'll see how that goes!
Hope you all have a wonderful (hot!) weekend!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Family That Travels Together
Speaking of work, I will be starting back next week! I can't believe these 12 weeks have gone by so fast! Part of me is ready to go back to work, but mostly I wish I could just stay home with Max all the time!! I know he'll love going to Ms. Wanda's, but we'll miss him so much during the day! It will definitely be an adjustment. Keep us in your thoughts next week as we all adjust to the new situation!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Portrait Innovations
Enjoy! :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fun with Family
Friday, June 19, 2009
New Pics
Max with Gamma and Delaney (22 months old) with Aunt Misty
Reagan (3) with cousin Max. She LOVES baby Max!
Belle (6), Reagan (3), and Caitlin (22 months)
They LOVE Poppy's 4-wheeler, and even have their own!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thanks Oma!!
This past week has certainly been eventful for us. Oma came in last weekend to stay for a week and help during my surgery and recovery. My surgery on Monday went really well. I was in and back home in just a few hours, and I slept most of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday were pretty rough, but finally by Friday I was feeling a lot more like myself. It was so hard not holding Max all week! Tuesday I was going to take a nap and went to kiss him on his cheek, and his face screwed up into the most pitiful pout I've ever seen. I think he missed his mommy as much as I missed him!
Max is starting to show so much personality these last couple of weeks. The video is of one of our favorite activities - Show Me Your Tongue. After Max eats, he is always in such a great mood, and he will laugh and play and stick his tongue out usually for about an hour. It's my favorite time of day.
Here are a few more pics from the last week. He is getting so big...I have to remind myself to take pictures all the time so we can keep track. More pics are on the shutterfly site (link to the left).
Such a pretty baby!
Hope you all have a great week! Love you!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fun in the Sun!