Instead of including all of the pictures from the showers here, I created a link to our shutterfly album page so you can go through all of them at your leisure. The link is to the left of this posting. We'll use this site - - to post all of the pics from here on out, and still include a few of our favorites in this blog as well. If you see any pictures you'd like to have prints of, you can order them directly from the shutterfly site.
Here are a few of the nursery since we've started getting so much fun stuff:
Max's closet - I've tried to separate clothes into sections - newborn, 0-3 month, 3-6 month, etc.
Pile of bigger items - diapers, high chair, diaper genie, pack'n'play, bumbo seat, swing, and stroller. Can't wait to have all of this dispersed throughout the house!!

We're using the armoire to hold just about everything right now until we can find a place for it. These are the diaper shelf and toy shelf. Both are getting pretty full!
Books, wipes, more diapers, and all other sorts of baby hygiene needs.
Crib with a lot of the onsies, towels, sleepers, socks, hats, etc from the showers.
We're now down to 6 weeks and counting...can't wait for the big day - whenever that will be! Mom & baby are both doing great, according to the doctor. Blood pressure was a little high a week or so ago, but was perfect at this last week's appointment. Doc is very pleased with everything. I'll go back in 2 weeks (March 12) for my 36 week appointment, then go every week after that!
We're now down to 6 weeks and counting...can't wait for the big day - whenever that will be! Mom & baby are both doing great, according to the doctor. Blood pressure was a little high a week or so ago, but was perfect at this last week's appointment. Doc is very pleased with everything. I'll go back in 2 weeks (March 12) for my 36 week appointment, then go every week after that!
This weekend my goal is to get a bag packed, just in case. Everybody tells me not to get my hopes up that he will come early, but I have to be prepared!
Again, thanks to everyone for the gifts, thoughts, prayers, and wishes! We'll try to do better about posting in the next few weeks!