Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Portrait Innovations
Enjoy! :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fun with Family
Friday, June 19, 2009
New Pics
Max with Gamma and Delaney (22 months old) with Aunt Misty
Reagan (3) with cousin Max. She LOVES baby Max!
Belle (6), Reagan (3), and Caitlin (22 months)
They LOVE Poppy's 4-wheeler, and even have their own!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thanks Oma!!
This past week has certainly been eventful for us. Oma came in last weekend to stay for a week and help during my surgery and recovery. My surgery on Monday went really well. I was in and back home in just a few hours, and I slept most of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday were pretty rough, but finally by Friday I was feeling a lot more like myself. It was so hard not holding Max all week! Tuesday I was going to take a nap and went to kiss him on his cheek, and his face screwed up into the most pitiful pout I've ever seen. I think he missed his mommy as much as I missed him!
Max is starting to show so much personality these last couple of weeks. The video is of one of our favorite activities - Show Me Your Tongue. After Max eats, he is always in such a great mood, and he will laugh and play and stick his tongue out usually for about an hour. It's my favorite time of day.
Here are a few more pics from the last week. He is getting so big...I have to remind myself to take pictures all the time so we can keep track. More pics are on the shutterfly site (link to the left).
Such a pretty baby!
Hope you all have a great week! Love you!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fun in the Sun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sorry so long!
So, what's been going on with us? I guess since I posted last, we have gone and come back from Vardaman. Max enjoyed his first week in Tater Town. He got to see all of his extended family and friends that he hadn't met yet. We had a great time hanging out with everybody! Can't wait to come back again. Since we've been back, nothing much has been happening. A lot of swinging, laying on the ottomon, looking at the mobile in his crib, that sort of thing. We did start letting Max sleep in his crib at night when we got back from Vardaman. The transition went surprisingly well. He is doing so well with the sleeping at night, and we are so grateful for that! Currently we put him down around 8:30 or 9:00, then wake him up at 11 to eat again. He usually will go right back to sleep, total awake time is less than 20 minutes most nights. Then we let Max wake us up for his next feeding...that time can range from 2:45 - 4:15. Most of the time he'll go right back to sleep after this one as well, but it usually takes more like 30-45 minutes to be sure he's good and asleep. All in all, not too bad of a night for us. We're getting much more sleep than we ever imagined we would at this point.
We're gearing up for my surgery next week. Oma is coming in for the week to help out - we can't wait to have her here!
Below are a couple of videos from this morning. Disclaimer: the first one ends with a little spitting up. The second one is after I cleaned up the spit-up. Max has discovered his tongue in the last week or so, you'll see it in the videos.
Hope you all have a great rest of the week!