Happy New Year everybody! I've taken far too long to post something since we got home from Christmas/New Year's in Vardaman a few weeks ago. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. We had such an amazing time seeing everyone. So glad the families were able to get together. Oma and Jiggs bought a Wii and we had a blast playing it...and watching others play it. Highlights were Jordan's kickboxing, Uncle Jeff and Jiggs' cow race, and Matt flapping his arms to make the big bird fly. :) I'm so upset we don't have video of that...you seriously had to be there to appreciate it.
Max started actually crawling while we were in Vardaman, finally getting up on all fours instead of the army crawling he's done since September. Now he's pulling up on everything like it's nothing at all and crawling all over the house. Definitely time to get that baby gate up....
This week has been a rough one. Max has an ear infection, a bad cold, and is cutting 3 of his top teeth. I've been sick too since last weekend. Because Matt and I both had stuff we couldn't miss at work this week, Oma had to come and stay with Max during the day since he couldn't go to Ms. Wanda's. Oma actually started out the week in Jackson, MS for work and should have been there until Friday. Unluckily for the city of Jackson, but so happily for us, there were some big water main breaks due to the weather and they sent everybody home. If that hadn't happened and she wasn't able to come up, I'm not sure what we would have done! Max is starting to feel a lot better and I hope now that I have a couple of days off I'll start feeling better too.
Here are some pictures and a video of late. A few more have been posted to the shutterfly site as well. Happy New Year!! :)

Max and Nana Pearl

Granne, Mamps, Max, Madeline, and Rivers
Madeline, Max, and Rivers
The whole Hamilton clan.
Mariah, Rivers, Jen, and Max
Max helping Jiggs put together one of his toys.
Max and Daddy in the "snow"
Standing up playing.

Looking out the window at the "snow"
Video from Max's First Christmas Morning