Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beach/Pool Videos and Pics

The wireless access we're on here at the beach is a little slow, so I'll have to wait till we get back home to post all of the pics on the shutterfly site.  Here are a couple of videos from the pool today and pics from the beach and pool.  We're all having a great time so far!  Max isn't quite sure of the beach yet, but absolutely loves the pool.  Enjoy! :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beach Bound

 Got off the phone late yesterday afternoon with my little brother and the thought I'd been trying to process all week finally popped into my head.

 You see Jen and I are soon to depart for the lovely oil-stained Gulf Coast, after two years of planning Max's First Vacation, we finally roll out Friday night.

  I think we might be getting the beginnings of an idea of what this whole 'parenthood' thing is all about. It's about lists, and strategizing, and worrying. No longer are the days of arriving home from work, throwing our luggage in the trunk, grabbing a bag of snacks and heading out.
  In the last three weeks we've filled several pages of a yellow legal pad with all we're gonna need to keep the monkey entertained for one week away from home. Also we've discussed at length what his reaction's gonna be to the sand, water, and sun. Will he fuss every time his sweaty little feet bring sand into direct contact with his hands or clothes? Will he scream at the size of the Gulf? Sure he loves the bathtub, but will a pool freak him out? I realize all of this is mostly unnecessary or overkill but we're sharing the condo with Jen's family. We don't want their one week of beach vacation destroyed by a 14 month old.

So as Adam correctly phrased, "Gone are the days of a nice relaxing week away. It's now a Family Vacation."

 Tar Balls here we come.
 Have a safe Memorial Day weekend.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Finally some videos!!

Here are finally some videos of Max walking!  Enjoy! :)

Monday, May 3, 2010


Hi everybody!  Just a quick note to let everyone know we're OK.  We had some water flooding from the creek behind our neighborhood, but it didn't make it to our house.  Minimal damage to neighbors' houses.  My work (Opryland Hotel) has completely flooded - the underground, lower, and 1st floors of every section have at least 8-10 feet of water.  Here is a video I found on youtube with our General Manager talking about the damage and some video that was taken. 

If you've ever been to our hotel, you know just how big a job we have ahead of us.  I have no idea what this will mean for my job over the next weeks and months.  Keep the entire Opryland family in your prayers, as well as people around Nashville.  So many people have lost everything, and the waters are still rising in some places.  It's going to be a long cleanup, all around the city.  Thanks everyone for checking in with us!  The Greer family are all doing great.  Hope you all have a nice week!

Oh, and I haven't forgotten to post pictures of Max walking.  For some reason, none of my usual video posting options are working right now.  I'll try to work on it this week and get some posted.  If you are on facebook or know someone who is, you can see the videos there.