Monday, November 10, 2008

First time...part 2

First Time... For me.
I thought it time to weigh in a bit on what's going on with the other half of this newly pregnant duo. Oh, yeah. I can hear Jen now: "Um, WE are not Pregnant. Unless you wake up every morning with something the size of an avacado recreating a gymnastic's routine from the Beijing Olympics on your bladder or the fact that every smell from the garbage, to unscented candles, fried food, Men's cologne, toothpaste or the glue on Post it Notes make you swallow back a little bit of last night's cereal. We are not pregnant."

Ok. I get it. GIRLS get pregnant. BOYS get ulcers...

Like Jen, I'm anxious as a 5 year old on Christmas Morning, waiting to see if we're having the fifth Greer Girl or the first Tyrant Boy. I have two brothers, one has three girls, the other just one girl. So, is it asking too much to demand a boy? Besides, I don't think I can deal with Female Teen-Aged Drama of She-Was-My-Best-Friend-Now-She's-Dating-My-ExBoyfriend stuff. Or the "Now, how do I distract Maya-the-Toddler in the Men's Bathroom at ... (fill in the blank with any public restroom without her mom) so she doesn't ask fifteen questions about what I'm doing and why he's doing THAT beside me." As you can see, I now forsee every awkward situation between my kid and the world occuring at my feet. Literally.

Funny thing about this 'Name our Baby Boy' item over on the left... EVERYONE loves the name Miles Hamilton. I think some of you guys thought the poll was actually for you dear readers to determine the future name of our baby boy. Jen just threw that up as as fourth name to round out our little poll. We do appreciate you taking the time but it was never really an option. Unless Nike, Cheerio's or

e-Bay want to thow in some cash.....

If we are blessed with a girl, Maya Ruth she shall be called. My little brother Adam has already asked permission to call her Baby Ruth.GREAT... So two years from now when some of you see our little (hopefully!) boy, you'll be like "Tyrant, your silly parent's wanted a boy so bad if you were a girl they would have nicknamed you after a candy bar."

So does anyone care that my wife goes all exclamation point crazy when she writes this blog?!?!

That's ok, I get all CAPITAL LETTERS and dot dot dot (...) on ya.

Thursday is quickly approaching and most of you will sleep the peaceful dreams of the innocent Wednesday night. Jen and I will be tossing and turning those last torturous hours before the fate of the free world comes crashing upon our heads. . . Wait. Got a little carried away there... Jen and I will lie awake all night staring at the ceiling a little nervous, yet at peace, praying our little Princess or Tyrant comes into this world as a healthy little runt, happy, and surrounded by great family and friends.

Fingers crossed...Matt

1 comment:

  1. Oh Matt...the first paragraph made me literally laugh out loud. Baby doesn't like chicken...or much else!

    Can't wait for you all to find out on Thursday!! :)
