Speaking of the past few months, they have been crazy busy around here. We've been trying to prepare for Baby Collin's arrival. It's also hard to believe that he will be here in just a couple of weeks! The current "plan" is a scheduled induction on May 12. If I haven't progressed any more between now and then, it will probably have to be pushed back. So please send some positive baby vibes our way to get things moving. Of course we want him to come when he's ready, but it would be really nice if he was ready sooner rather than later. :) I'm definitely finding out that being THIS pregnant while also having a 2-year old is a lot more of a challenge than doing it the first time. Luckily Max has an amazing Daddy to do most of the taking care of him.
Backing up a few weeks, we've had some rough days & nights with illnesses around here. It started out with Max getting the Roseola virus and his temperature staying very high for a few days. It topped out at 105.3, which was terrifying for us. We're so thankful Oma was here that week to help care for such a sick baby. About a week after he was over the Roseola, he came down with a stomach virus that lasted for about 5 days. Aunt Em got the pleasure of being here for the worst part of that virus (the many, many diapers). As a thanks for helping out, Aunt Em came down with the virus herself. I also had it the same weekend. Unfortunately this was the weekend of Max's birthday party, which Aunt Em had to miss because she was still sick in the bed. We had a good time at the party (more to come on that later), but were so sad Em had to miss it. Oma had the pleasure of again taking care of the sick ones that weekend, and came down with the same virus a few days later (on her birthday, no less). Since Max's birthday, all 3 of us have had a cold that lasted for 7-10 days each. FINALLY, we all seem to be pretty healthy. Fingers crossed we all stay that way until after Collin gets here.
The week of Max's birthday party, we were so happy to have Nicola & Thomas come visit from Germany. Max got to meet his foreign Aunt & Uncle for the first time. Unfortunately that was the same weekend Emily & I were sick, so we didn't get to spend nearly as much time with them as we wanted to. It was still such a blessing to have them here for Max's birthday party. We hope they get to come back soon to meet baby Collin. Or maybe we'll finally make it to Germany.....it shouldn't be too hard to travel overseas with an infant and a toddler, right? :)
Max had such a good time at his birthday party. BIG THANKS to Gamma and Poppy for letting us hold the party at their house. I wasn't sure I could manage it at our house this year (and good thing, since our house turned out to be full of viruses!). We had 2 delicious cakes - one each from Nicola & Stacia. They were both so adorable. Poppy made his famous homemade chocolate ice cream and Max had a blast opening presents and playing with Caitlin. Here are some pictures from the party.
Max loooooved his new Lego set from Nicola & Thomas.
Playing with his Legos in his new Cars chair from Aunt Em!
Cars cake - made by Stacia - so cute!
Nicola worked really hard on this adorable (and yummy) ladybug cake.
Max & Caitlin had a mini Easter Egg Hunt at the birthday party. This is them enjoying the chocolate inside the eggs.
Max is a big fan of the Easter Eggs, as long as they have candy in them.
Eating Nicola's lady bug cake
When everybody was in for Max's birthday, he also got to enjoy his first zoo experience. Aunt Em & I were really looking forward to going, but unfortunately that was the day we both came down with the stomach virus, so we had to enjoy it through the lens of Thomas's (amazing) camera. Here are a few of the things Max got to see along with Oma, Jiggs, Nicola, & Thomas.Last weekend was Easter, and Max had a blast hunting Easter Eggs again (twice) and hanging out with the Colberts & Greers at Uncle Adam & Aunt Bri's. Here are some pics from that weekend.
Sad face - empty basket before the Easter Egg Hunt at Westland Methodist Church
Decorating a rice krispie treat. He ate more of the icing and jelly beans than he put on the cookie.
Finally getting some eggs for that Easter Basket!
Family pic - Easter 2011
The Colbert Clan
A little rough-housing with Uncle Ken
Max wants his own Barbie Jeep now...think they make them in something other than pink?
Hope you've enjoyed the pictures! Maybe next time I won't have 2 months of updates and it won't be as long. There are a lot more pictures up on the shutterfly share site. Click the link to the left. Enjoy!
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