Sunday, May 17, 2009


Just a quick note to say more pics are on the shutterfly site. Cousin Maddie came to visit yesterday so we have a few pictures of them. Also, one of Matt's dentist offices in Kentucky gave him some fun Wildcats gear. We allow him to wear it only because it's Ram and Blue Devil blue. :)

Max and I are heading to Vardaman for the week, so I'll hopefully have some more pictures soon with his Mississippi family!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big Man!

Happy Wednesday all! A few updates: Max had an appointment with the urologist this afternoon - he didn't have a circumcision in the hospital because of a little bit of an abnormality with the shape of things, so we scheduled to have one today. Unfortunately the doctor decided it would be best to wait until he is at least 4 months old so he can do a little more involved surgery to make it all work right...I won't go into all the details here. Basically there was no snip-snip today, and he will have a surgery that requires anesthesia the first Friday in October.

We also had an interesting week with my health. I woke up Monday night with a terrible pain in my chest/stomach and ended up going to the emergency room. After an ultrasound, we discovered that I have gallstones. I have an appointment with a surgeon tomorrow to see if/when they will try to take the gallbladder out. Those of you who have had this pain will understand - I know now that there is a pain greater than childbirth - at least a pain greater than an epidural childbirth! Luckily it only last about 45 minutes, but it was an intense 45 minutes! I'm anxious to see what the doctor says tomorrow...I'm sure I'll try to have it done while I'm still out on maternity leave to keep from taking more time off.

Max is a growing boy! At the doctor today, he weighed 10 lbs 4 oz. That's 1 lb 2 oz more than he weighed 12 days ago at his doctor appointment! Average is 1 oz per day, so right now we're about 6 oz ahead of schedule. Maybe this is just a growth spurt...if not, we'll be out of those 0-3 month outfits before he's even had a chance to wear them all! There are already some that are too short for him!

Below is a new video for you - nothing major happens in the video, this is just what I do a lot of the day - sit around and watch him. There are a few good smiles. He looks super long in this video because he's wearing a gown. This one does actually cover his feet - not all of them do!!

Max's Oma and Jiggs (my parents) are coming this weekend to visit. Depending on what the doctor says tomorrow, Max and I are planning to go back to Vardaman with them on Sunday and stay until Matt comes for Memorial weekend. It will be great to spend so much time at home so we'll get a chance to see everybody! Mariah, Mike and Maddie are also coming for a visit on Saturday! Can't wait to see them!

Hope you're all having a great week! More updates soon!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 3!

So we're nearing the end of Max's 3rd week, and there isn't a lot to say except we're tired! Who knew how hard it could be to never get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time!? I realized last night that it has been over 3 weeks (since I wasn't sleeping well before he was born) since I've had longer than a 3 hour stretch. I miss those days. Of course I wouldn't give up my little man for any amount of sleep, but it is nice to remember sometimes. :)

We're working hard on getting on a schedule. Our goal is to eat every 3 or so hours during the day, with his last meal at 10pm, then having him sleep until 3am, then again till 7am, starting the 3-hour cycle again after 7. He's doing really well with the 3 hour stretches during the day, but doesn't want to add the couple of hours for the nighttime feedings. We hope he'll get there soon. Our big problem right now is after he wakes up at 2 or 2:30 to eat, it can take anywhere from an hour to 4 hours for him to go back to sleep! Once we get that one figured out, I think we'll all be better off!
We went for his 2-week checkup on Thursday and he has gained over a pound and a half since he came home from the hospital! As of Thursday he weighs 9 lbs 2 oz, and was 21 1/2 inches long. We had some concerns that he wasn't getting enough to eat, because he usually only eats for about 15 minutes, when the average is 30 minutes, but doctor said his weight gain tells us that he has no problems getting enough food! He's well ahead of the curve! Doc said everything else is perfectly fine - he's a healthy happy baby.

The rest of Max's umbilical cord fell off early last week, so we got to have our first real bath this morning! I think he really enjoyed it, until we took him out of the tub and he realized how cold and wet he was! I've posted some pictures below, and added some new ones to the shutterfly site. Enjoy!

Ooooohhh! Cold!!

Check out that pot belly!!

Our future soccer star! This one's for you, Nicola!

Little old man.