Monday, December 22, 2008

Yay Nursery!

So the nursery is finally coming together. My very sweet husband has painted and put the crib together, and I was finally able to put the bedding on today. Pics are below. I know it looks like the crib is black, but it's actually a really dark stain - espresso. I'm so excited!! Can't wait to get everything else in there - including Max!!

Merry Christmas! :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Drumroll please....

...OK, so we finally have a name, and I think most of you will be pleased...

Max Hamilton Greer

Yep, we know that wasn't one of the poll choices, but we've finally come to an agreement. So we hope you all like it. If not, I'm sure you won't care once the name is attached to a sweet little baby boy! :)

If we don't get to see you in the next week or so, we hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love ya! :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Catching Up...

Happy Wednesday all! Sorry it's been a while since we posted - not a lot has been happening in baby land. Today marks week 23 - only 17 more to go - or 119 days - but who's counting?? And that's assuming Max cooperates and comes on-time... I did realize today that Max's due date (April 11) is the day before Easter. It's also the day before my mom's birthday. So if he refuses to come early, we'll hope for April 12 so he can be an Easter baby and share his grandmother's (sorry, no grandma name picked yet) birthday!

I hope you weren't all fooled by Matt's last post. He really enjoys moving furniture around and adding to the Goodwill/Yard Sale piles that are growing higher and higher in our garage. While his list of things in the "office" was just a tad exaggerated (I know, shocking that Matt would exaggerate something...), there was A LOT of stuff that had to be moved. And I will give him all the credit, because I did very little to help. He also stripped the border at the top of the walls and plans to paint soon. I think the best part of this moving experience was Matt's decision that he could move the Elliptical machine downstairs all by himself. He made it happen, but not without a lot of words that it's a good thing Max wasn't around to hear. And now we have skid marks on the ceiling........draw your own conclusions from that......

So now the office is well on its way to becoming a nursery, our bonus room is doubling as the office, and our living room is doubling as the gym. No big deal. Just please do not buy us anything that will take up space in either of the living areas, because we will not have room for it!

Those of you who have not seen me in a while will be surprised to see that I'm really starting to have a belly (other than the one I've always had, anyway!). They say I've "popped" in the last few weeks, and I'm barely hanging on to the few pairs of non-maternity pants that I can still button...barely... It's an exciting time - finally people don't feel bad about asking when I'm due!

We're so excited about Christmas this year! I think most of you know that we have decided to try to save some money and will not be purchasing presents this year, other than Angel Tree gifts and the donations made for those names we drew at Granne's house. I hope everyone understands that we are making an exception this year only and will rejoin the gift-giving bonanza next year. We feel like the most important thing this year is spending time with our families and friends, and letting you all know how much we love you and appreciate your support.

We'll be traveling to Vardaman on Tuesday Dec 23 staying until the following Sunday. Then we plan to celebrate New Years with friends and do some relaxing that week - as well as some more cleaning and moving, I'm sure!

Love you all! :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Baby Land is a work in progress

Yes. Last week we received bedding and news of the crib’s arrival. Fun… Know what that means? Somebody (me) gets to clean out the office and turn it into a nursery. When I say ‘office’, I mean a jammed pack ‘catch-all’ room with two bookcases, two desks with all the fixins, every text book we owned in college, an ironing board, the unabridged copy of my never seen best seller, extra dental products, a life sized cut-out of Keanu Reeves from The Matrix, extra stores of food, a desktop computer, enough toilet paper to roll Mississippi, seventeen thousand paperbacks, two plastic storage bins of wrapping paper, all of our high-school yearbooks, a set of Samurai swords, photo albums, and every knickknack Jen and I’ve collected since 2002. I can hear her now, ‘You know I can’t pick up anything over five and a half ounces. You should move that over there. It’s what’s best for Max.”

Um, this kid is not coming until Easter. It’s not even Turkey Day yet! At this pace we’ll have an actual nursery all during Christmas with FOUR months to wait until Max gets here. Maybe we’re a bit obsessive. That’s OK, I’ll then have several weeks to rest the bulging disk in my lower back from dragging furniture all over the house.

Although I’m whining I look forward to it. It’s time to purge a little and clean out dusty closets, remove old furniture and hang new pictures. Hopefully Jen and I won’t strangle each other over every decision from ‘Baby Land’ details or the best way to keep Max from playing dress up with his cousins. (Don’t get me started.)

Eldest Greer Brother and I went and picked up the crib this week (He’s in town for Turkey Day with his girls) and decided the box said crib was in could double for an extra bedroom in any apartment. This thing is HUGE. It looked like the crib was already put together inside. It now sits in our living room, waiting for its new home to be stripped, Kilzed, and painted. Sound like a good way to work off some turkey this weekend.

Hope you all eat yourselves miserable, and remember to not make mom do all the dishes. She worked hard cooking, do the right thing when she starts to clean up.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pics are finally here!

Hi all! So sorry for the delay, but I finally managed to get the ultrasound pics into a format that I could save onto the blog.


This is the proof of baby Max as opposed to baby Maya! If you need help figuring this one out, it's as if he were sitting on the camera - top is one leg bottom is the other leg, then the "Max" part in the middle. Get it now?

This is one from the side - you can see his head and belly, then one arm with his hand next to his head. Yes, we know it looks like his head is separated from his body, but the technician assured us all was fine! :)

This is one of the 3D pictures. The doctor says these will turn out a lot better in the next ultrasound in the 3rd trimester. Right now he's so small it's hard to see a lot.

Last one - this one is Matt's favorite. He says he can tell that Max has my nose...the Ward nose!
Max is moving around more and more now, which I love for the most part. The only time I don't love it so much is when I get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and he decides it's time to play. Usually takes a while to get back to sleep after that.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We certainly know what we have to be thankful for this year!
Love you guys! :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fun day in baby land!

Happy Wednesday all! Sorry we haven't posted anything since the BIG NEWS was announced last week, but I've been trying to get the ultrasound pictures scanned so I can include them. Well, it hasn't happened yet...I'll try to get them done today.

We are all SO EXCITED that we're having a boy!! Obviously we would have been happy with either, but we didn't make much of a secret that we wanted the first one to be a boy. The first Greer boy - he'll have fun being dressed up by all his female cousins for the next 12 or so years! :) Baby Max (yes, that is his name) was a little over 9 oz last week and as healthy as can be!

Yesterday in baby land was a lot of fun. First I got a call from USA Baby that our crib has come in, so we'll pick it up this weekend. Then Matt called to tell me we had a big box from Amazon - our bedding had come in! We LOVE IT! It turned out so much better than we thought. Picture is below. When we get the crib set up and the bedding in the room I'll send actual pictures.

The other very exciting thing yesterday was that Matt was able to feel Max moving around for the first time last night. I'm not sure what I ate yesterday that Max either loved or hated, but he was acting out last night turning flips and dancing around for hours! I think Matt was a little freaked out, but he'll get used to it like I have! If you haven't ever had a baby, it really is an odd feeling. It also feels great because you know he's doing well in there and growing like he should!

OK, I'm going to be late for work. I promise to get the ultrasound pictures posted soon.

Love you guys!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's a BOY!
Just got back from the Dr's office and we have pictures to prove it. YES!!!
More later...Matt

Monday, November 10, 2008

First time...part 2

First Time... For me.
I thought it time to weigh in a bit on what's going on with the other half of this newly pregnant duo. Oh, yeah. I can hear Jen now: "Um, WE are not Pregnant. Unless you wake up every morning with something the size of an avacado recreating a gymnastic's routine from the Beijing Olympics on your bladder or the fact that every smell from the garbage, to unscented candles, fried food, Men's cologne, toothpaste or the glue on Post it Notes make you swallow back a little bit of last night's cereal. We are not pregnant."

Ok. I get it. GIRLS get pregnant. BOYS get ulcers...

Like Jen, I'm anxious as a 5 year old on Christmas Morning, waiting to see if we're having the fifth Greer Girl or the first Tyrant Boy. I have two brothers, one has three girls, the other just one girl. So, is it asking too much to demand a boy? Besides, I don't think I can deal with Female Teen-Aged Drama of She-Was-My-Best-Friend-Now-She's-Dating-My-ExBoyfriend stuff. Or the "Now, how do I distract Maya-the-Toddler in the Men's Bathroom at ... (fill in the blank with any public restroom without her mom) so she doesn't ask fifteen questions about what I'm doing and why he's doing THAT beside me." As you can see, I now forsee every awkward situation between my kid and the world occuring at my feet. Literally.

Funny thing about this 'Name our Baby Boy' item over on the left... EVERYONE loves the name Miles Hamilton. I think some of you guys thought the poll was actually for you dear readers to determine the future name of our baby boy. Jen just threw that up as as fourth name to round out our little poll. We do appreciate you taking the time but it was never really an option. Unless Nike, Cheerio's or

e-Bay want to thow in some cash.....

If we are blessed with a girl, Maya Ruth she shall be called. My little brother Adam has already asked permission to call her Baby Ruth.GREAT... So two years from now when some of you see our little (hopefully!) boy, you'll be like "Tyrant, your silly parent's wanted a boy so bad if you were a girl they would have nicknamed you after a candy bar."

So does anyone care that my wife goes all exclamation point crazy when she writes this blog?!?!

That's ok, I get all CAPITAL LETTERS and dot dot dot (...) on ya.

Thursday is quickly approaching and most of you will sleep the peaceful dreams of the innocent Wednesday night. Jen and I will be tossing and turning those last torturous hours before the fate of the free world comes crashing upon our heads. . . Wait. Got a little carried away there... Jen and I will lie awake all night staring at the ceiling a little nervous, yet at peace, praying our little Princess or Tyrant comes into this world as a healthy little runt, happy, and surrounded by great family and friends.

Fingers crossed...Matt

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lots of fascinating info....

...OK, not really. I'm really only posting today to say that I don't really have a lot to post about! We're so excited about the ultrasound next week! I can't wait to finally prove to Matt that I'm right and it's a girl! :) I feel like after next Thursday, we'll really be able to get the ball rolling and start buying stuff and getting all know how I like to be prepared!

So I promised that I wouldn't get political on here because this is supposed to be about family and baby, but I want to say one thing and I'll leave it alone. I'm sure you all know I'm disappointed about the election this week, even though I'm not surprised at all. However, I truly hope that Obama can prove us all wrong and really make some changes for the better. If my team couldn't win, I pray that the team that did win will be successful at bringing this country together and making the future better for my children. And if they don't, here's looking forward to 2012!! Maybe this was the wake-up call our party needs to get it together.

Ok, that's it. Last time, I promise. :)

I hope you all have a great weekend, and I can't wait until next Thursday when I can post about baby Maya or baby Max/Miles/??????

Love you guys!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sweet Potatoes and Baby Furniture

Happy Wednesday all! We're so excited to be heading to Vardaman tomorrow - going home for the Sweet Potato Festival, of course. This is one of my favorite times of the year to go home because I get the chance to see folks that I don't usually get to. The best part - and you'll know what I mean if you've ever been - is the BBQ chicken with its super secret sauce my dad helps prepare at the fire station. It's AMAZING. I just really hope I'm able to eat it this year...I've realized over the last couple of months that baby isn't a fan of chicken. Baby may have to get over it this time... :)

We are also planning to purchase our crib this weekend (becuase of the 12-hour sale at USA Baby on Saturday!). I'm super excited about this - here's the pic of the crib:

And while the dresser/shelving unit that goes with the crib is great, ours is going to be even better. My dad is making it, very similar to this one below but darker stain (like the crib):

Yay! I'm so happy with our choices - hope you like them!

Tomorrow (Oct 30) is Matt's birthday - he's 29! He realized tonight that this is his last birthday without kids. He's being a very good husband and daddy-to-be by driving me 5 hours to go home on his birthday.

Hope you all have a great weekend! And I'll see some of you soon!

Friday, October 24, 2008

First Time...

Hi all! We're stealing Mike & Mariah's idea of creating a blog so everyone can stay updated on what's going on lately with Baby Greer. Yesterday was the start of week 16. The last few weeks at work have been really tough on me, so I haven't felt as great as I should be at this point in the pregnancy. It's about to start slowing down, so hopefully my energy will go back up a little bit.

We went to the doctor last Thursday and finally heard the heartbeat! It was around 150 (down from 176 at the first ultrasound). Of course everyone still says that means a girl, but we'll see! We'll find out (hopefully) on November 13...hence the poll on our blog. We have a girl name picked out - Maya Ruth - but we're still stuck on the boy. I would like to have a name by the time we find out what we're having. Let us know what you think! For those of you who don't know, Collins is a family name for Matt and Hamilton is my maiden name. Ruth is my late great-grandmother's name. As for Maya, Max, and Miles - apparently we really like names that start with M! Girl will be called Maya, and boy will be called Max or Miles, regardless of the other name picked.

Everyone says I should have a feeling whether it's a boy or girl. I'm leaning toward girl, but I think that's due to the 4 nieces we already have! It's hard for me to think of a baby as anything but a girl! :) I did have a dream last night (Matt will kill me for this) that we had a little boy and Matt left him outside in 20-degree temperature. He was fine, but it was a really weird dream! That was the first time I've dreamed of one or the maybe that means something...

So that's where we are right now! I'll keep you posted as often as possible, and post ultrasound pictures when I can.

Have a great weekend everyone! :)