Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chicken Pox!

Hey everybody! A couple of weeks ago, Matt found out he had shingles. He suffered with it for a long 10 days, and we've just been waiting for Max to show signs of chicken pox. Apparently the virus for shingles is the same as chicken pox, and since Max hasn't had them or the vaccine for it, he was most likely going to get them. Yesterday we started seeing the first spots, and now there's no doubt that's what he's got! So far he's been in a great mood...we hope it stays that way. Next couple of weeks will be hard - he's contagious for 2 weeks, so he can't go to Ms. Wanda's until his 2 weeks are over. He's looking forward to staying with Gamma for a few days and for Oma and Jiggs to come visit next weekend. Keep us in your thoughts, could be a rough couple of weeks.
Like I said, so far it's not bothering is a video from this morning of his Daddy making him laugh. I challenge you not to giggle along with's pretty adorable. :)

In jail...Jiggs put up our baby gate a few weeks ago. For the most part he doesn't mind!

Had to show this picture so you can see the back of his outfit from Oma. He has a tail! :)

Smiley baby!

Max had a great time hanging out with Aunt Em last weekend. Come back soon!!

Mama loves her monkey :)