Thursday, November 27, 2008

Baby Land is a work in progress

Yes. Last week we received bedding and news of the crib’s arrival. Fun… Know what that means? Somebody (me) gets to clean out the office and turn it into a nursery. When I say ‘office’, I mean a jammed pack ‘catch-all’ room with two bookcases, two desks with all the fixins, every text book we owned in college, an ironing board, the unabridged copy of my never seen best seller, extra dental products, a life sized cut-out of Keanu Reeves from The Matrix, extra stores of food, a desktop computer, enough toilet paper to roll Mississippi, seventeen thousand paperbacks, two plastic storage bins of wrapping paper, all of our high-school yearbooks, a set of Samurai swords, photo albums, and every knickknack Jen and I’ve collected since 2002. I can hear her now, ‘You know I can’t pick up anything over five and a half ounces. You should move that over there. It’s what’s best for Max.”

Um, this kid is not coming until Easter. It’s not even Turkey Day yet! At this pace we’ll have an actual nursery all during Christmas with FOUR months to wait until Max gets here. Maybe we’re a bit obsessive. That’s OK, I’ll then have several weeks to rest the bulging disk in my lower back from dragging furniture all over the house.

Although I’m whining I look forward to it. It’s time to purge a little and clean out dusty closets, remove old furniture and hang new pictures. Hopefully Jen and I won’t strangle each other over every decision from ‘Baby Land’ details or the best way to keep Max from playing dress up with his cousins. (Don’t get me started.)

Eldest Greer Brother and I went and picked up the crib this week (He’s in town for Turkey Day with his girls) and decided the box said crib was in could double for an extra bedroom in any apartment. This thing is HUGE. It looked like the crib was already put together inside. It now sits in our living room, waiting for its new home to be stripped, Kilzed, and painted. Sound like a good way to work off some turkey this weekend.

Hope you all eat yourselves miserable, and remember to not make mom do all the dishes. She worked hard cooking, do the right thing when she starts to clean up.



  1. If you keep posting blogs with such sarcastic undertones, you definitely will not make it long enough to get Max's room finished!
    Love Ya,

  2. I missed you yesterday. Jen you look great, oh and so does Matt. Love you nana

  3. Heehee.. have fun tackling the office. I'm moving my whole apartment - oh joy!
