Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 20, At the Latest...

Hi all! So another Thursday, another fun doctor appointment. I wasn't expecting any change this week, and I was right! Still hasn't moved down at all and still no dilation. We tried to get the doctor to say she would start the induction next Friday the 17th, but no luck! She said if I don't go into labor before then, we will go in most likely Sunday night the 19th to start the Cervadil (to soften my cervix), which could take up to 12 hours. After that they would try to induce labor with Pitocin. If after a few hours it doesn't seem to be working, we will consider a c-section at that point. Odds are he would be born sometime on that Monday the 20th.

I'm not upset this week, because I've told myself for the last couple of weeks that the 20th is when it's going to happen, and then I would be surprised if he comes earlier than that. She says there is still a chance he could come on his own sometime in the next 10 days, but she wouldn't give us any statistics. She made it sound like it's about a 50/50 chance that I'll go into labor before we try to induce.

So that's all we know right now! My last day at work will be next Wednesday, unless I go into labor before then. I'm really looking forward to that day. I've been getting more and more uncomfortable the last few days, so it will be nice to have some days off to rest before I go to the hospital.

Thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes. We're hanging in's good to finally have a final end date, so anything that happens before that will just be icing on the cake.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend and get to spend time with family. We'll enjoy our last peaceful Easter!! :)

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